
Why everyone should know first aid

Blog | First Aid Training

In Australia only 20% of the population have completed first aid training in the last 12 months.

first aid saves lives

Basically anyone and everyone should learn first aid – teenagers to adults alike.  Put simply it can save somebody’s life – this is why everyone should know first aid. Australia has one of the lowest rates of first aid training in the world, according to a report by the Australian Red Cross. First Aid training can save lives, prevent unnecessary hospital admissions, or prevent a bad situation from becoming a critical one.

Orange First Aid Training - We help everyone

What is First Aid?

First aid is the initial and immediate care given to somebody who has been injured or become ill. The care is given until paramedics or professional help arrives. It is this care that can save somebody’s life and prevent their injury or illness from getting worse.

There can be a misunderstanding about who should, or can, provide first aid. It is not only doctors, nurses or paramedics that can provide first aid. Any person like you or I can provide first aid to somebody who needs it.  There can also be fear around first aid – it’s too hard, it’s too scary.

It’s not too hard and what’s scary is NOT knowing what to do if you are ever faced with an emergency situation. In Australia only 20% of the population have completed first aid training in the last 12 months. Only 20%!

If your loved one was choking and making gasping sounds. Would you know what to do? What if they were choking and not making any sound? Is there a difference in what you do? Don’t know? That’s scary … right?  Basic first aid is designed to preserve somebody’s life until help arrives and is easy to learn. Courses are designed to ensure that the learner (you) will understand how to help a sick or injured person.


Is it hard to get First Aid Trained?

Access to courses is easier than ever – you can complete the learning component online at your own pace and then attend a face to face skills assessment.  You get to practice the “how to” in a face-to-face classroom environment, and you get to practice until you KNOW how to do it.

It doesn’t matter if you get it the first time or the third time your trainer is there to support you and help you learn the techniques. The techniques are simple and straight forward and really everyone should learn to complete them. Learning what to do after a snake bite or how to complete CPR compressions in the event of a heart attack are actions that you CAN learn, especially with the help of your trainer and practice in the classroom.

Training and assessment delivered on behalf of Allens Training Pty Ltd RTO 90909

How would you feel if your loved one, a friend or a stranger needed first aid and you didn’t know how to help them?  Don’t hesitate … go book yourself into a first aid course now.

You never know, you may just save somebody’s life one day.


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